
About Us

The story of our company starts in the early 1970s, when Mr. Minsiu Chen, a young chemical engineer, was sent to Japan by his then employer, the Taiwanese conglomerate Dah-Hwa Enterprise co., to specialize in the manufacturing of refractory materials. There under the guidance of top Japanese engineers, Mr. Minsiu Chen, not only developed a thorough knowledge of cutting-edge production techniques, but also realized the importance of R&D and constant innovation.
Upon his return to Taiwan and Dah-Hwa Enterprise co, he started to implement his knowledge in the R&D department of his employer. His efforts were quickly recognized, and he started to climb the corporate ladder. His meeting with Ms. Chonyu Chang, a young executive in Dah-Hwa Enterprise co, was the turning point in their lives. Within a short period of time, they decided to do together two things. First to start a family, and second to establish their own company in 1974. Good Furnace Ltd is the product of love and passion about refractory, and a business that has family values at its core. We consider our employees, suppliers, and clients as part of our family and we are seeking to establish lifelong lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with them. Now under the leadership of the second generation, Mr. Shi-chieh Chen and Dr. Tsai-wei Chen, Good Furnace Ltd continues to innovate and produce products and services of the highest quality, that meet the constantly changing demands of modern customers.
Fifty years of hard work and constant innovation offers us some unique competitive advantages. We have developed our R&D team, comprised of engineers which have been with us for several decades. Good Furnace Ltd is the premier developer and producer of unshaped refractories in Taiwan. We have been awarded, not only ISO 9001, the quality management system certification, but also, we are the very first refractory company in Taiwan obtaining the laboratory certification ISO 17025. We proudly offer customized products and reliable services at affordable prices. We constantly seek to develop new formulas and products that are more efficient, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly. Our regular customers clients include China Steel, Dragon Steel, Chinalco, Formosa Plastics, to name but a few. We are always delighted to add new dynamic clients, that share the same values with us, to our family. If you are using refractory products and services, please do not hesitate to contact us. It would be our honor and privilege to become your supplier and welcome you to our family.

Our Logo

Our company tri-color logo depicts the refractory production process. The black color symbolizes the refractory materials, the white color symbolizes the molten metals, and the red color symbolizes the flames. Using its accumulated, over 50 years, knowledge, Good Furnace Ltd seeks constantly to improve both processes and products, and surpass itself.

Our History

1974 Good Furnace Ltd is founded.
1974~1978 We commit to the research, development and manufacturing of refractory materials for induction furnaces.
1979 We successfully produce and manufacture low-frequency furnace, low-cement, low-moisture, high-density, high-strength refractory material that can be used for melting aluminum. This is one of our flagship products.
1988 The construction of our new factory is completed and Good Furnace Ltd is relocated from Beitou to Tamsui.
1989 We are appointed refractory material suppliers of China Steel and our sales are expanded.
1990 We introduce the first generation of computer automatic batching equipment into our production processes. Both our production capacity and quality are increased significantly.
1994 We make a huge leap towards fully automated production, by investing in a paddle mixer.
1997 We further increase our production capacity, by investing heavily in warehouse expansion and new production equipment.
2001 The second generation of microcomputer automatic batching system is introduced to enhance further production quality and output.
2002 We purchase EIRICH inclined high-speed mixing equipment from Germany. Labor productivity and output are increased exponentially.
2008 We expand once more our warehouse and invest in new production equipment to raise our output volume.
2010 Good Furnace Ltd is awarded ISO 9001 quality management system certification.
2019 Good Furnace Ltd becomes the first Taiwanese company in the refractory industry to be awarded ISO 17025 (2017) laboratory certification. This accreditation allows us independent R&D and certification capabilities.
2022 We set up a new material research factory (pilot plant).